Samstag, 9. September 2006
Blinded by the light: Nie wieder essen müssen.
Respectful Insolence hat für jene Blogger, die die dümmste Website auf Erden suchen, die Latte ziemlich hoch gelegt. Verdammt. Aber bitte:

Sungazing.Com beschreibt, wie man alle Krankheiten und jede Form von Hunger besiegen kann. Wie? Einfach pro Tag 10 Sekunden länger direkt in die Sonne starren!

His formula was simple: either at sunrise or sunset (when the intensity of the sun is at its minimum) stand on the earth and stare directly at the sun for 10 seconds. Adding an additional 10 seconds to the total sungazing time each consecutive day. In 6 months your hungers would be under control and understood. Stand there for 10 months you would never need food again. Not only that, but, you would not have to stare at the sun again. After 44 minutes of sungazing one would be 'full', energized, just like a solar charged battery. There was no need to continue the practice. Essentially, HRM preached to the world that within one year, anyone could learn to live without the need for food.

Hört sich wie ein ganz sicheres Rezept an. Nach 44 Minuten direkt-in-die-Sonne-starren, da bin ich ganz sicher, ist Essen ganz unten auf der Liste der Dinge, an die man denkt.

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